Soumaya Museum Plaza Loreto

Soumaya Museum Plaza Loreto
Photo: Edson Joan on Wikimedia Commons


The Soumaya Museum Plaza Loreto is the original Soumaya. When the Plaza Carso location opened in 2011, it immediately took over as the lead institution. But this had been the main exhibition space for the group since 1994. It’s arguably a bit quieter, too. The museum is named for the wife of the museum’s founder, Soumaya Domit, who died in 1999.

The museum shares its complex with the Plaza Loreto shopping center. An expertly restored historical site, parts of it date to the 16th century. The entire complex was part of an early industrial complex drawing power from the Magdalena River. You can read more about it in the entry on the Plaza Loreto itself.

The two museums will frequently collaborate on exhibitions and so art works featured in one may very well end up in the other. Five main galleries at the Plaza Loreto site feature permanent exhibitions. Two more are for temporary shows. The collection breaks down roughly as follows:

European Masters of the 15th to 18th centuries, especially Flemish, Spanish, German, Italian and French.

Masters of New Spain, many of these are among the best parts of the collection. Religious paintings and sculpture, including works by Juan Sánchez Salmerón, Cristóbal de Villalpando and Juan Correa. There are also some very interesting architectural works

Mexican portraits and landscapes of the 18th and 19th centuries. Miniature works are also represented here, but the main thrust is Neoclassicism and Romanticism of the 19th century.

Impressionism and early 20th century art
One of the most important collections of the work of Rodin outside of France, it’s flanked by the Romanticism of Corot and Coubert and some Impressionism from Monet, Pizarro, Degas or Renoir. Paintings and sculptures are by early Modern masters including Picasso, Dufy, Chagall, Miró, and Modigliani.

20th Century Mexican Art
One of the most dynamic parts of the collection includes work by Dr. Atl, Diego Rivera, Orozco, Tamayo, and Zárraga.

Broadly spanning works from both Mexico and Europe, the museum is dedicated to furthering knowledge and enjoyment of aesthetic work. The Plaza Loreto site also holds a collection of rare manuscripts and books. About 140 of them circulate through the permanent exhibition space.

Hours: Monday through Sunday, 10:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.

Sources cited on this page: 
Revista Buen Viaje: Museo Soumaya Plaza Loreto

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