Alameda Central Area

Mexico City's Alameda Central is not just the oldest city park in the Americas. It's at the center of a thriving corner of the Metropolis. Two of the original four neighborhoods of old San Juan Tenochtitlan, Santa María Cuepopan, and San Juan Moyotlan are within easy walking distance.

But the listings below are even closer. They're intended to let you strike off from Alameda, or from Palacio de Bellas Artes. They are two of the places international visitors are most likely to find themselves in. And the immediate vicinity is rich with sights, sounds, and places to visit; Eat, savor, and enjoy!

Some sites are suitable for folks with kids. And some will stay open late, even for the hip-set and their countercultural friends.

In some ways, it might be too much. But that's really the point of the page that starts here. The Alameda Central Area is, technically, rather well-known. Some of the most important sites in the City are here. But we've given equal weight to those less-well-known, and some which are positively obscure.

Browse the listings below and if you find something in the Alameda Central Area that you think should be here, please let us know.

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