Jamaica Market


Metro Jamaica

0.15 kms.

Metro Mixiuhca

1.02 kms.

Mercado de Jamaica

Nearest at 0 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

Tacos Coyuya

Nearest at 1.3 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

Mercado de Flores Merced

One of the most inviting in the whole of La Meche, it's the Merced Flower Market

Santa Rosa Xochiac, Álvaro Obregón

Most famous for ongoing annual celebrations, Santa Rosa is a tribute to being away from it all, even in the city.

Cuemanco Plant and Flower Market

A most spellbinding exhibition of plants and flowers, the Cuemanco Market is wide open and always worth popping in.

San Ángel Flower Market

The classic San Ángel flower market, this one is a must-stop on your trip to the neighborhood and always a colorful surprise.