National Anthropology and History Library

This library can trace its history back to the first stage of Mexican independence, when the National Museum opened in 1825, but it was not until 1888 that the library was formally inaugurated. In 1939 it was relocated to its present site in the National Anthropology Museum, and was given the name National Anthropology and History Library “Dr. Eusebio Dávalos Hurtado”, honoring the first physical anthropology graduate at the National Anthropology and History School, in addition to being a scientist, cultural promoter and curator.

It is the most comprehensive library in Latin America in the field of history, anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, ethno-history, and related sciences.

The collection preserves codices that were recorded in 1997 in UNESCO’s Memory of the World program, such as manuscripts, 19th century newspapers, religious order books, maps, plans, and testimonials from people who lived through the 1910 revolution, as well as theses and research current.

It has a restoration laboratory for the conservation of the library, manuscript and photograph collection.

In terms of services, it offers consulting, training, and library materials to other libraries in the INAH Library Network. It also gives guided tours, exhibitions, lectures and courses.