Galería Juan Soriano, in the CENART Arts Library



The Galería Juan Soriano is within the Biblioteca de las Artes, within the much larger CENART complex. For international visitors, it’s one of the important installations that too often gets overlooked.  The gallery hosts frequent important exhibitions of painting, sculpture, photography, ceramics, installation, and video work.

In the past, the space has been hailed for individual exhibitions of important artists. Among the most noteworthy have been Juan Soriano, Manuel Felguérez, and Leonora Carrington.

  • Juan Soriano (1920-2006), for whom the gallery is named, was Francisco Rodríguez Montoya. He was known popularly simply as Soriano and as the “Mozart of Painting” because he showed such an early aptitude for the visual arts. His sculptural work is ubiquitous in the City, especially out front of the National Auditorium.

The gallery, and the CENART complex, are just north of the lush, Masayoshi Ohira Park, and the Country Club. All of them are convenient to the Metro General Anaya station. Less well known, the area around Churubusco, including the National Museum of the Interventions, is about a 30 minute walk from the Frida Kahlo Museum.

The Galería Juan Soriano is just one of multiple galleries and exhibition spaces within the National Center for the Arts. Visitors are often encouraged to see more of what’s on offer when they’re on site.  The CENART website includes an extensive calendar of events.