Mexican Revolutions Library (INEHRM)

Mexican Revolutions Library


The Mexican Revolutions Library It is the headquarters of the Mexican National Institute of Historical Studies of the Revolutions of Mexico (Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México – INEHRM).

The building is popularly call the Chucho el Roto House or Casa de los Dos Patios (House of Two Patios). The home dates from the late 19th century when it was built as the summer home of philanthropist Francisco de Urquiaga. Built in a Neo-Classical style, the building is said to have a a tunnel in the basement. This was used to connect with the Plaza de San Jacinto and even to other homes in the area. The tunnel had been built by the Dominicans, presumably as part of the El Carmen Monastery, today a museum. According to legend, the tunnel was especially put to use by the famous bandit, Jesús Arriaga, i.e.; Chucho el Roto.

The house was subdivided at one point in the early 20th century. One enjoyed the larger patio, and the service quarters and stables surrounded a smaller patio.  The home was put to multiple uses over many decades. Eventually, it was purchased by the Mexican Department of the Interior to serve as the Library of the Revolutions of Mexico. It opened in 1994.  Today the larger patio hosts exhibits on history and courses, conferences, forums, and similar events.

The Library

Today the Library contains more than 83,000 volumes, as well as a reading room, and an exhibition and meeting hall. Visits should be be reserved 24 hours prior to a visit. 

The INEHRM is dedicated to preserving the testimonies, historical documents, graphic, audiovisual, and sound materials related to theMexican Revolution. The Institute also works to promote research, teaching, and dissemination of knowledge on all of the great transformations to have defined Mexico over the course of two centuries. Chief among them are the National Independence movement, the Liberal Reforms of the second half of the 19th century, and the Mexican Revolution.

Monument to the Revolution

As elusive in meaning as it is allusive, the Monument to the Revolution is as eminent as the events it commemorates

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