Mixcoac Archaeological Site


  • Calle Pirámide 7 Col. San Pedro de los Pinos.

Metro San Antonio

0.35 kms.


Nearest at 0.8 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

La Fuente de la Juventud

Nearest at 0.9 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

Cerro de la Estrella Archaeological Zone

One of the oldest and most significant archaeological zones in Mexico City.

Templo Mayor Archaeological Site & Museum

One of the most important sites in the city, even today, don't miss the chance to visit the Templo Mayor.

Plaza de las Tres Culturas

The Plaza de las Tres Culturas is one of the most touching and informative places to stand in the modern city, past, present, and future.

Mazatepetl Eco-Archaeological Park

One of the oldest archaeological sites in the Valley, Mazatepetl is of Otomi origin, and fascinating to gnaw on.

Anahuacalli Museum

Initially intended as but one part of a City of the Arts, today's Anahuacalli Museum is a far more contemporary space than you might imagine.