UNAM Central Library


El Pasillo de la Salmonella

Nearest at 0.7 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

Mojama Oyster Bar

Nearest at 0.8 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

Chapultepec Castle, The National History Museum,

Chapultepec Castle is one of the premier sites in the city, and one of the highest you can visit, too!

Museo Casa Estudio Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo

One of the most inspiring 20th century houses in the city, it's an in-depth look at Frida and Diego's universe.

La Casa O'Gorman

A model home, meant to sell Diego Rivera a house of his own, it's the first truly "funcionalist" house of its kind.

Anahuacalli Museum

Initially intended as but one part of a City of the Arts, today's Anahuacalli Museum is a far more contemporary space than you might imagine.

Leon Trotsky House Museum

One of the 20th century's most enigmatic figures, a Museum to Leon Trotsky is one of the most visited in the city.