Las Américas Park (Plaza de las Naciones Unidas)


Las Américas Park is a neighborhood park in the Colonia Narvarte Oriente. Sometimes called “Plaza de las Naciones Unidas,” it’s a reminder that the UN is, in Spanish, presented as the ONU; that is, the Organización de las Naciones Unidas. It’s a fact which, sadly, those just learning Spanish will take years to get used to.

Narvarte Oriente is but one of the five Narvarte colonias, the others being:

  • Colonia Piedad Narvarte
  • Colonia Atenor Salas
  • Colonia Narvarte Poniente
  • Colonia Vértiz Narvarte

All of them are frequently referred to together as simply “Narvarte,” and they make up some of the most densely populated parts of the Benito Juarez alcaldia. That’s why this particular park is noteworthy, and so well-loved.  The enormous Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Transportes is to the south with it’s very famous murals on Avenida Xola. The Secretaríat is actually headquartered on Paseo de la Reforma, but some functions are still carried out here. You’ll recall that this is the same federal government ministry which originally occupied the Palace of Communications Building, today the National Museum of Art.

To the north and west, is the very popular Parque Delta shopping center. It’s perhaps a 10-minute walk from the park.

  • Caleta s/n, Col. Narvarte.

Mercado Álamos

0.58 kms.

Elefante Deli

Nearest at 0.1 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC

Burgers Ink

Nearest at 0.2 kms.

Recomendado por CANIRAC