Noteworthy streets and neighborhoods in Mexico City include those named for famous folks from history. Others are named for no one in particular, but happen to host some of the city's most important places.
There are calzadas - the old causeways of Tenochtitlan. There are canals, at last being brought slowly back to life. And of course, there are calles and avenidas and more. Some lead nowhere in particular, and yet they're people by memories and generations that go back into the furthest stretches of the city's long life.
There are some important highways, and a few callejones - alleyways - that still hide some of the city's deepest mysteries. You'll walk avenidas, and parkways, and of course, turn the corners of some of the metropolis' deepest neighborhoods.
We're working to present you with the finest maps to guide your way, too. But you may also find that some of the most noteworthy streets are those where you stay. That's the experience of the millions of residents of Mexico City as you'll soon see.
The streets and neighborhoods of the city are yours for the exploring. Let's get going.
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